What is an Intercessor (Prayer Warrior)?
Anyone who is committed to daily prayer to the Lord Jesus for those in need of prayer and is willing to fulfil the requirement
- To pray daily for the intentions of those who request prayer.
- To pray with others e.g. family, community for those intentions.
- To be a missionary of prayer by getting others involved in this apostolate.
What is the Prayer Apostolate?
Archbishop Eamon Martin, while in prayer conceived the idea of a new apostolate of prayer across Ireland and indeed the universal church. He saw it as a blanket of prayer over the Church. in which committed believers would personally pray and pray with others (family, community etc) for the needs of others. They would also go out and invite others to join this apostolate. The requirements of this are as follows:
- To pray daily for the intentions of those who request prayer.
- To pray with others e.g. family, community for those intentions.
- To be a missionary of prayer by getting others involved in this apostolate.
Why do you need my email address?
We need this to let you know about developments as they happen and to let you know the website is live.
Why do you ask for my mobile number?
In case your email is not working we may need to also make you aware of something that needs immediate prayer. Also so that you can co-operate and send us prayer requests for others if you do not have access to the Internet.
Why do you need my parish & location?
As part of our prayer apostolate, we would like to be able to reach out to you and and your parish to help grow existing prayer groups but also to help start new ones and to support them.
Who can register on Myprayer.ie?
Anyone who wishes to have prayers said for them or those who would like to help others by praying for them. (Prayer Warriors / Intercessors)
Who can see Prayer Requests?
All registered members of MyPrayer.ie can see the Prayer Wall.
Can I see other people’s profiles?
You can only view and edit your own profile.
If I leave a prayer can I remain anonymous?
It’s up to you whether you want to be anonymous or not. There are times in all of our lives we just want a special intention between us and the Lord to be worked out and do not want the whole world to know what that is or who it is from. For this reason we would enthusiastically guard your privacy.
Is it just a prayer wall or is there more?
Far more. There will be testimonies and much much more.
Where can I find my local prayer group?
We will have a directory of all the various prayer groups across Ireland and the world for those who wish to register. The directory will be free to use but it must have a letter of validation from your parish and/or leader of the group before your page can be activated.
I would like to be prayed with. Can you recommend someone recognised by the Church?
Certainly, we will list all those who are active in the ministry of healing and deliverance and are authorised by their Church to do so..
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